July 17, 2024 | Blogs

The Power of Omnichannel Advertising: Elevating Engagement with Programmatic DOOH

Omnichannel advertising, which integrates multiple digital marketing channels and touchpoints to create a cohesive customer experience, is a powerful way to engage audiences with maximum impact.

Incorporating DOOH into an omnichannel advertising strategy enables brands to leverage the best of both worlds: the expansive reach of traditional OOH advertising and the precision and personalization of digital marketing.

Omnichannel advertising, which integrates multiple digital marketing channels and touchpoints to create a cohesive customer experience, is a powerful way to engage audiences with maximum impact. In fact, brands with an omnichannel approach see an increase in annual revenue growth of 9.5%. Among the spectrum of digital channels available, digital out of home (DOOH) offers unparalleled reach and engagement opportunities due to innovative technology and automation.

DOOH: A Dynamic Force in Omnichannel Advertising

DOOH encompasses a variety of digital environments, including digital billboards, screens in public transit, shopping malls, and other high-traffic locations. The true power of DOOH lies in its ability to deliver dynamic, contextually relevant content to large audiences in real-time. As consumers increasingly spend time outside their homes, DOOH has become a vital touchpoint in the customer journey.

Programmatic DOOH: Precision and Efficiency

One of the most significant advancements in DOOH is programmatic technology. Programmatic DOOH automates the buying, placement, and optimization of DOOH ads, allowing for a more targeted and efficient advertising strategy. Brands can now use data to deliver personalized messages at the right time and place, enhancing the overall impact of their campaigns.

Programmatic DOOH integrates seamlessly into an omnichannel strategy, leveraging data from various sources, such as location and transit data, anonymized device data and 1st and 3rd party audience data, to create a holistic view of the consumer. This data-driven approach ensures that DOOH ads are not just seen by a broad audience, but by the right audience, maximizing engagement and conversion rates.

Seamless Integration with Other Channels

The beauty of DOOH in an omnichannel strategy is its ability to complement other digital channels. For instance, a consumer might see a DOOH ad while commuting, which then prompts them to search for the product on their mobile device. Later, they might receive a retargeted  ad reinforcing the message on their mobile device or social media. This cohesive approach ensures that the brand message is consistently reinforced across multiple touchpoints, driving higher recall and engagement.

Moreover, DOOH can serve as a bridge between online and offline experiences. By incorporating interactive elements such as QR codes or NFC technology, DOOH ads can direct consumers to online platforms, driving traffic and conversions. L’Oreal’s Helena Rubinstein harnessed programmatic DOOH to promote their new product and drive in-store visitors - they then utilized the unique audience data generated to engage audiences on other digital channels to boost the effectiveness of the DOOH campaign and drive both online/offline sales. This integration creates a seamless experience that caters to the modern consumer's preference for fluid and interconnected brand interactions. 

Innovative Storytelling at Scale

The scale and flexibility of DOOH allow for innovative storytelling that can captivate audiences in ways that traditional advertising cannot. With the ability to display high-quality visuals and real-time content updates, brands can create immersive and engaging narratives that resonate with consumers. For example, weather-triggered ads can promote hot beverages on cold days, or location-specific content can cater to the unique interests of different neighborhoods.

Incorporating DOOH into an omnichannel advertising strategy enables brands to leverage the best of both worlds: the expansive reach of traditional OOH advertising and the precision and personalization of digital marketing. As technology continues to evolve, the capabilities of DOOH will only expand, offering even more opportunities for brands to connect with their audiences in meaningful and impactful ways. By embracing programmatic DOOH, brands can ensure they are not only reaching their target audiences but engaging them with relevant, timely, and compelling content across all channels and touchpoints.